God of Meds

Is God still God when you have to take medicine? I had to get pills today. They helped before but at the same time I don't want to be on them. 

When I'm asleep I am fine. Hahaha. When I wake up I feel depressed. I feel anxious. I feel like there is no hope. I feel angry. I backed myself into a corner and I can't see the way out.

Are you there God? Are you available for consultation? For prayer? I feel desperate and I don't know what to do. 

I've stressed out my family and friends. I haven't worked in a long time. What do we do God? Lord Jesus what do we do?

"I know you are in trouble son. I know you don't have anywhere to turn. I am here and I am in charge. I am making a way in the desert. I am making a way in the storm. I am the God who saves you and blesses you. I love you son and I will be with you. Your healing is here now. Your healing is here now."

#listen #listening #hope #future #mystery #faith #doubt #fear #safety #god #light #meds 


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